This school year the Estelline School District is proud to be able to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students, thanks to a waiver granted by the USDA!

We’re thrilled to announce Estelline Public School
District #28-2’s new app! It’s everything Estelline School
District, in your pocket. Download the app on Android:
https://bit.ly/37RiDzm or iPhone: https://apple.co/3iPXcVX.

Parents and Students: A reminder of the Estelline Back to School day on Friday, August 13th from 8:00AM-4:00PM. Elementary and Middle School students, please stop in the library prior to visiting your classroom. School pictures will be taken in the HS Gym.

20-21 Yearbook for Sale

The Estelline Youth Football program will have a registration and equipment hand out Thursday, August 5th at 6:00 at the Legion in Estelline.

We are currently in the process of switching over to our new website, please stay tuned for our highly anticipated new look!

Parents of students in grades 7-12 will be receiving a letter in the next couple days pertaining to fall athletics. Also, please make note of the following important dates:
August 3 – Fall Sports Meeting (6:30pm)
August 5 – Football Starts
August 12 – Volleyball and Cross Country Start
August 17 – First Day of School

Are you wondering what to expect this year?
Checkout this checklist for students and parents.

2021-2022 School Supply List

2021-2022 School Year Calendar

Reminder: August 17th is the first day of school!
See you all then!