Good luck Redhawk football as you take on Oldham-Ramona/Rutland in tonight's game!

Good luck Redhawk volleyball as you take on Oldham-Ramona/Rutland in tonight's game!

Updated: School pictures were recently sent home. If you have not received or had a problem with your order, please contact Photography by Mark at 605-362-9221. Photography by Mark has reached out to the school explaining the issue and sincerely apologized. They asked you to call them directly. Reminder picture retakes are Tuesday, October 19th.

Good luck Redhawk cross country as you travel to Webster today!

Good afternoon,
As the number of Covid-19 cases begin to increase in the county and community, the Estelline School District wanted to provide an update on our current situation. So far in the 2021-2022 school year, we have had two confirmed positive cases, both have been students in the high school. We have had a good number of students tested for Covid-19 throughout the elementary, middle, and high school, all of which have come back negative other than the two positive cases. We continue to ask that parents and guardians please screen your students for any symptoms your student may be experiencing. If they are feeling ill or displaying any symptoms of Covid-19, please keep them home and have them tested. Other school districts in our area have seen a rapid rise in case over the last two weeks and we hope to avoid a similar scenario. The school district’s Covid-19 Protocols can be found on the Estelline School District website under the Menu Icon.
Estelline School District

Here is the link to last week's student made newsletter!

The Webster Cross Country Meet Scheduled for Sept. 13 has been postponed to Sept. 14 (2pm).

Citizen’s State Bank hosting a free supper at the Estelline/Hendricks vs. Oldham-Ramona/Rutland football game @ Rutland on Friday, September 17th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. They are serving pork loin sandwiches, chips, cookie, and water.

Good luck Redhawk football as you take on Sioux Falls Lutheran in tonight's game!

2:15PM. The pep rally has concluded and school is being dismissed. Buses will depart soon. Have a great weekend and GO REDHAWKS!

Good luck Redhawk cross country as you travel to De Smet today!

JH FB Jamboree Schedule

Good luck Redhawk volleyball as you take on Colman-Egan in tonight's game!

Estelline School District Reminders:
*1:00PM early dismissal on Wednesday, September 8th for teacher in-service.
*Early dismissal on Friday after the pep rally. This is usually between 2:00-2:15. A notification will be sent when buses depart from the school.
*Any business or group who would like to enter the homecoming parade this Friday, please contact Dr. Eric Bass at the school.

Support the Redhawks with a Redhawks Yard Sign!

Below are the activities for the week:
Tuesday, Sept. 7:
Volleyball @ Colman-Egan:
Old Gym: 7th @ 4pm, 8th @ 4:45
New Gym: C @ 5, JV @ 6, Varsity to follow
**Live Stream Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaektAJsmOyS4Y361XrG4TA
Thursday, Sept. 9:
Cross Country @ De Smet (4pm)
Friday, Sept. 10:
Football vs Hamlin (7pm)
Saturday, Sept. 11:
JH Football Jamboree (Home): 9am

Tomorrow's XC Meet at Redfield has been cancelled.

Here's the link to this week's newsletter! Written by Redhawk students!

Good luck Redhawk volleyball as you take on Wilmot in tonight's game!